learn German language

Learn German quickly in just 5 steps

Learn German quickly in just 5 steps
Learn German quickly in just 5 steps 2022

Learn German quickly in just 5 steps

Read also: best ways to Learn German

Learn German quickly in just 5 steps
When talking about the German language and its degree of difficulty with language learners, it is often said that it is difficult selfishness and takes a great deal of time to be able to master it. On that, the vocabulary of the bracket on three or four syllables, not to mention the compound German words that Germans resort to abbreviating most of them with the longest word, which is the word consisting of 39 letters

Or legal protection insurance companies. Despite all this, there is something that distinguishes German and makes it easy also in the speed of learning despite its difficulty. I share with you in this article 4 steps to start the way to learn German quickly, try these steps and learning German will be quickly and easily as well

Know your reasons and motives for learning German

Even before thinking about what you should study in the German language or ways to learn it, you need to wait a little and start identifying the reasons and motives behind your desire to learn German. Whoever learned German strong was learning German quickly and easily.

Kasper Boe, a linguistics expert and professor at the University of Copenhagen, says:

German Nest:

It is useful for a language learner to live in the country of this language in order to practice it continuously. On the contrary, the results of an opinion poll conducted in Germany on the reasons why foreigners do not learn German showed that 43% of the respondents believe that the reason for not learning the language lies in the person’s surroundings as a motive special or non-existent.

Person’s environment: Make your surroundings Germany – Make your phone language German – Read in German books – Watch German films – Listen to German radio – Find a partner to speak German on the Internet – Find German links, associations or cultural centers in your city, in short, live the German language With all your heart and this is what will make learning German quickly and easily.

Use Accelerated Learning Techniques:

Spaced Repetition Technique:
Why don’t we forget our names? Because even if you are young, they ask you what is your name? You say my name is such and such and your parents and family call you most of the time, so and so, and it is repeated in your memory and preserved in the long-term memory.

Conclusion: If you want to memorize or learn something, never forget, repeat it periodically and review it from time to time.

Effective mnemonic technique:
The word money means in German Geld, and its pronunciation is leather. The first thing I learned so as not to forget it, I linked it in my mind with an Egyptian proverb that says I cut from my skin and I will give you, meaning that I have nothing to give you except to cut from my skin.

The effective mnemonic technique depends on replacing difficult German words with words that the learner already knows in his language and pronunciation similar to the target language and then linking them visually or audio with the target word.

The Pomodoro Technique (Time Management Technique to Achieve Goals):
The technique depends on defining specific periods of time to accomplish certain things, including breaks that start with short periods and end with long breaks.

The benefit of this technique is the commitment to the time specified for the implementation of the task as a means of motivation.

◊ Focus on the plain in German:

As we said, many learners of the German language believe that German is difficult. On the contrary, there are things that make German an easy language to learn, as they are:

It is not a language of sounds and tones, as in Chinese, Scandinavian languages, and French, or difficult to pronounce, such as Czech.
Everything that is written is pronounced and everything that is spoken is written. If you hear a word that you can write with ease, there are hardly any words in German that some of its letters are not pronounced, such as French

How can you improve your German?

If you live in a German-speaking country, there are many ways you can train and expand your German skills on the street while walking or on the bus and train. The following tips are based on all skills and should encourage you to use the German-speaking environment as a learning aid.


The easiest thing is to listen carefully to people: what do you understand, what new words do you come across? What does the German language look like? Even if you hardly understand anything, you can listen carefully and get used to the natural sound, melody and rhythm of the language. Movies, news programs or radio also provide very good opportunities to practice your listening skills, but people on the street may speak a dialect or at least a more natural German, which is sometimes very different from standard German in the media.

‫37 تعليقات

  1. مرحبا انا حابي ناقش مع الاستاذ على شي غير اللغة حالبي اسال اذا بيقدر يساعدني بس امتحانا وانا بدرس طب اسنان مساعدة طبيب اسنان

  2. شيف بيتزا ومعجنات ومناقيش وفطائر يطلب عمل مناسب وراتب جيد لمن يهمه الامر وللجادين فقط ولكم جزيل الشكر والتقدير

  3. انا تاجر موجود بلشركه بلادولات الكهربائيةفي لبنان للتواصل٨١٤٩٠٨٦٧ شركه عباد الرحمن احمد قطايف وسبب تنزيل بضاعه من المانيا اذا موجود فيزا شنغن

  4. انا طالب جامعي كلية العلوم الصحية طب الطوارئ لم أعد قادر على تكميل التعليم في جامعتي بسبب عدم القدرة على دفع الاقصاط والتكاليف الجامعية الان انا موجود في تركيا الرجاء من يعرف كيفية الحصول على منحة تعليمية للسفر الي المانيا او اي دولة أخرى يفيدني ولكم جزيل الشكر رقمي الواتس اب….


  5. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    أنا خبير ب الحجامة المساجية
    وحصلت على شهادة تعليم عالي
    ماهو الاختصاص المناسب لاختصاصي بألمانيا
    هل هوالمساج ؟ أم اختصاص آخر
    أفيدونا مشكورين

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