learn German language

Jobs in Germany and learn German for free A1 + A2 + B1

learn German for free A1 + A2 + B1

learn German for free A1 + A2 + B1

Learn German for beginners A1-A2

At the beginning of learning German, you will not be required to speak fluently, but only expect you to express what is inside by any means. When we started to learn German.
We all expressed our thoughts using the senses before the tongue .. But at some point you will reach the ability to discuss, especially since the German people encourage you even if you make a mistake.
Learn now about the stages of learning the German language.
And subscribe to our YouTube channel for more free German lessons for beginners.
Deutsch Lernen For anyone who wants to attend a German course in Germany, German course levels are usually offered as A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.
In the article, we will explain the stages of learning the German language, the duration of studying the German language, and the duration of studying the German language at all levels.
In addition to explaining each level of the German language separately, as well as downloading books in German for free.

See: Jobs and learn German for free in Germany

Learn German

Many young people in Egypt and the Arab world seek to improve their level of speaking the German language and reach the degree of fluency in it, and this desire has increased among students in the high school and university stages with the aim of traveling to Germany.

The importance of learning German increased as a natural result of Germany’s prosperity, as it was ranked in 2020 as the fourth strongest economy in the world, and German education was ranked as the fourth strongest education in the world as well, to achieve progress over a superpower such as France, which ranked fifth.

Moreover, Germany is one of the most advanced countries in the industrial and technological fields, and it opens its labor market to qualified cadres from all countries of the world, so if you speak German, you can benefit from this vast market.

As for the spread of the German language, it is a language spoken by more than 130 million people around the world, and it is also the official language in four European countries other than Germany, namely Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Belgium.

German language levels A1-A2

The European Framework of Reference also divides all important levels of the German language into six levels

A1 level in the German language.
and A2 level in German.
B1 level in German.
and B2 level in German.
C1 level in German.
Learn German for beginners A1-A2
Learn German for beginners A1-A2
German language levels
The letters A, B and C are translated in the German language levels as follows:
Initial use of language (A1 and A2).
and independent use of language (B1 and B2).
Competent use of the language (C1: advanced level of proficiency; C2: approx. native language proficiency).
These letters more or less correspond to the level designations used earlier (and sometimes still are today) Basic Level (=A), Intermediate Level (=B), and Advanced Level (=C).
The only difference is that no one has predetermined exactly what these levels should mean.
How long do you need to learn German?
The duration of studying the German language levels depends on the number of levels you want to study, as well as building a lesson plan at the institute where you want to study the German language.

Learn German for beginners A1-A2
Learn German for beginners A1-A2
How long does it take to learn German to reach a certain level
The duration of the educational level A1 and A2 is a maximum of 3 months.
The duration of learning level B1 is from 2 to 4 months.
The duration of learning the German language (for level B2) is from 2 months to 4 months at most.
The learning period (level C1) is from three months to a maximum of 4 months.

Opportunities for German speakers

I expect that you have begun to imagine the opportunities offered by speaking German, but let’s make it easier for you. In addition to the general benefits of learning any language, such as learning about peoples’ cultures, openness to the world, and so on, the German language is distinguished by a great set of opportunities that it offers to its speakers.

Here are some of those opportunities:

1. Scholarships: There are many scholarships available for German-speaking Arabs and others, and these scholarships allow them to study different disciplines such as philosophy, medicine, quantitative physics, engineering sciences, and other important disciplines in Germany, and everyone knows the strength of German degrees.

2. Job opportunities with high salaries: As a result of industrial and commercial progress in Germany, many branches of German companies have spread in our Arab countries.

And if you can speak German, of course you will have priority in working in these companies, in addition to some job opportunities in various fields such as translation, teaching, or customer service jobs for Germans.

3. Work in Germany: The German labor market is the second largest labor market that attracts competencies in various fields, so if you are a speaker of this language and a professional in your work, it will be very easy for you to get a job in Germany.

4. Scientific specialization: Germany pays great attention to the field of scientific research, so the German language has become the second most important language in the fields of scientific research.

If you are seeking to study quantum physics, engineering or biology, it will be very good to study it and get acquainted with its terminology in German.

5. Going deeper into literature: learning German allows opening great doors in the study of literature, as this language is the language of philosophers and writers, and contrary to the well-known saying that it is a dry language, it is a poetic language, and it has many poems and novels that are very important to anyone interested in studying literature.

Now, my friend, come with me to introduce you to the most important and best sources that you can rely on in learning the German language, which vary between free and paid courses, international and Arabic YouTube channels, websites and applications… After reading the article, you will not have any argument about how to learn German.

Drivers are required to work in Germany
Excavator driver/truck driver
the conditions
You hold a category C/CE driving licence
You have learned a trade, ideally in electronics/mechanics
You are familiar with process control systems
You already have professional experience handling earth-moving machinery
You have a good knowledge of the German language, both written and spoken

your tasks
They guarantee the extraction of raw stones
They operate large equipment such as hydraulic excavators, dumpers, wheel loaders and trucks
You will look after crushing, grading and processing plants, including optical sorting

Apply for the job
Send your CV to the following e-mail:

[email protected]

Lkw-Fahrer im nationalen/internationalen Fernverkehr CE
Jobtyp: Vollzeit

Gehalt: 3.200,00€ – 4.000,00€ monatlich

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Die FAIRLOGIS GmbH steht seit vielen Jahren für verlässliche Partnerschaften mit unseren Kunden und Mitarbeitern. Mehr als 300 Mitarbeiter mit unterschiedlichsten Qualifikationen stehen unseren Kundenunternehmen in nahezu allen Wirtschaftsbereichen täglich zur Verfügung.
Ihre Bewerbung bei der FAIRLOGIS GmbH eröffnet Ihnen zahlreiche Möglichkeiten. Geben Sie Ihrer beruflichen Karriere den richtigen Schub.
Lkw-Fahrer im nationalen/internationalen Fernverkehr CE (m/w/d)Job-ID: 76
Ort: Rüsselsheim
Arbeitszeit: 40 – 40 Stunden pro Woche

StellenbeschreibungWir suchen ab sofort mehrere motivierte Fahrer mit CE-Führerschein.
Wir sind ein junges und dynamisches Unternehmen mit einer Flotte von 10 LKWs.
LKW : Moderne neue LKWs MB Actros
Arbeitszeit: 5-6 Tage Nah-/Ferntouren
Entwicklungspotential / Perspektiven

Bei uns bekommst du im ersten Jahr bis zu 25 Tage Urlaub (Option Work-Life-Balance)
Hochwertige Arbeitskleidung von uns
Einstiegsbonus nach der Probezeit
Module enthalten nach einem Dienstjahr
Gut bezahlte Arbeit von Anfang an – auch in der Einarbeitungsphase
Lohnerhöhungen bis ca. 25,23 € möglich durch Branchenzuschläge (Stufe 6).
Betreut werden Sie von Ihrem persönlichen Ansprechpartner bei FAIRLOGIS, den Sie jederzeit erreichen können!
Pünktliche erfolgsabhängige Bezahlung
Neue Fahrzeuge
gutes und familiäres Arbeitsklima
mehrsprachige Ansprechpartner (deutsch/englisch)

Gültige Fahrerkarte und Führerschein der Klasse CE mit Eintrags-Nr. 95 BKrFQG
Lkw-Erfahrung wünschenswert
Kundenorientierte Arbeitsweise

Sie sind verantwortlich für den Transport von Waren im Nah- oder Fernverkehr (national oder international)
Sie sorgen auch für die ordnungsgemäße Übergabe und Auslieferung der Ware an den Kunden
gelegentliches Be- und Entladen
Sicherung der Ladung
Sie achten auf Sauberkeit und den technischen Zustand des Fahrzeugs
Einhaltung der Lenk- und Ruhezeiten
Benefits / Firmenangebot

Eine offene Unternehmenskultur mit hervorragendem Betriebsklima!
Modernste agile Entwicklungsprozesse
Abwechslungsreiche, verantwortungsvolle und herausfordernde Aufgaben
Arbeiten in einem motivierten Team auf Augenhöhe und ohne Dresscode
Ein unbefristeter Vertrag und eine leistungsgerechte Bezahlung
Flexible Arbeitszeiten, Überstundenausgleich und überdurchschnittliche Sozialleistungen
Volle Unterstützung bei Ihrer persönlichen und beruflichen Entwicklung
Kontaktdaten für StellenausschreibungFairlogis Global Transport & Logistic Solutions GmbH
Herr Essa Alkhateeb
Bahnhofplatz 1
65428 Rüsselsheim am Main
E-Mail: [email protected]
Telefon: 06142 48 114 11
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