learn German language

best ways to Learn German

best ways to Learn German 2022
Learn German

see also: Learn German with Khaled Bouran

The reason we focus on the most common German words is that we only use a fraction of the vocabulary in any language.

Let’s take the Arabic language as an example. Think about the more complex words in the Arabic language, how many times have you used them in your daily life. You don’t often use them, right?

For this reason, you should not be interested in memorizing more words, but you should memorize the most important and most used words in German life.

Learn the first 1000 common German words: It should be a primary goal while learning German because it will enable us to achieve:

Use 88% of words during oral speech
Express all we can want to say
We may use more than a thousand words in our daily life but nevertheless, if you learn 1,000 of the most common words, and have the ability to express whatever you want to say, that seems to be an amazing progress.

Change your online life to German

From social media to phone to computer, changing your language setting to German will make a huge impact on your reading skills. Most of us are said to spend 6-9 hours a day on our devices (1-3 hours of that on social media).

We can subconsciously use this to become better readers of German, and those 1-3 hours we normally waste can become valuable.

If social media isn’t your favourite, think about where you spend the most time during your day. You can change the browser language to German, find a German version of your favorite video game, etc.

Whatever you enjoy doing on a regular basis, try to find a way to get used to learning German.

Working with a professional German teacher

The advantages of working with a professional teacher are clear. You can benefit from knowing someone who has worked with dozens of learning German for beginners if not hundreds of students like you. In addition, you get personalized directions that can significantly shorten the way to learning German.

‫34 تعليقات

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